Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Medical Problems That Arise From Having Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a common hereditary disease (genetic based disease) that affects the mucus producing tissues of the body. Many systems of the body rely on fully functioning mucus glands and when they do not work well, many medical complications can arise.

Cystic fibrosis symptoms are caused by heavy, thick, mucus. They include frequent coughing that brings up thick discolored mucus and frequent bouts of chest congestion that often leads to pneumonia. The skin may taste salty and sufferers are easily dehydrated.

The stools of a CF patient are thick, greasy, and smell foul. The patient may be eating well and have a good appetite, but fails to gain weight and thrive. Stomach pain, bloating and excessive gas is caused by too much gas in the intestines and is painful.

There are other medical problems caused by cystic fibrosis. Infertility in men is often caused by this disease. Sinusitis is caused when the space behind the eyes, nose, and forehead are being blocked by thick mucus. Nasal tissues under these condition become infected and cause sinusitis when the lining of the sinuses becomes blocked. This is very common in patients with CF. Nasal polyps may also develop in the sinuses and require surgery to remove.

Cystic fibrosis affects the lungs and bronchial tubes. The bronchial tubes are the large airways in your lungs. Bronchiectasis is a lung disease that causes these airways to become stretched and flabby. They produce pockets where mucus collects. These pockets are a breeding ground for bacteria and infection causes more damage to the bronchial tubes. This can lead to further bronchial infections and serious illness including respiratory failure.

If your lungs are not moving enough oxygen through the body, "clubbing" can be a result. Clubbing is the widening and thickening of the toes and fingers. Clubbing is a definitive sign of CF, if the condition has not already been diagnosed.

Other serious illnesses and complications include liver disease, diabetes, gallstones, collapsed lungs, and rectal prolapse. Extensive coughing and the body having problems passing stools cause rectal prolapse. This pushes the rectal tissue outside of the body.

Another serious illness that may occur because of this genetic disease is low bone density. The body does not get enough Vitamin D and this can cause rickets. Your doctor may recommend Vitamin D supplements to prevent low bone density.

Since there is currently no cure for cystic fibrosis, medical treatment is focused on treating the various symptoms and medical problems that spring up from having CF.

Scott Harker is the publisher of several health related websites... To find out more about Cystic Fibrosis, please visit Cystic Fibrosis Articles For reviews of some of the best books about cystic fibrosis, please visit Cystic Fibrosis Books

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